8 Quick Ways to Take Your New Year’s Eve Party to the Next Level

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Now that New Year’s Eve is around the corner, why not host your friends and have fun together? If that’s your plan, the following eight sure ways that can help take your bash to the next level.

1. Understand the Proper Timing

Although it would be great to have the party at any time during the last day of the year, the best New Year’s Eve party should be held at night. Ensure to start the party late so that people cannot get bored before midnight. However, the visitors can start arriving any time from 9 pm and spend time socializing and getting some cocktails. You can then invite the guests to count down a few minutes to midnight.

2. Choose the Right Cocktails

Now that it is the last night of the year choose drinks that will make people celebrate. You can set up a DIY bar where the guests will mix their favorite cocktails for the night. It can be a good idea to choose your favorite garnishes for the party. If you choose to host a beach-themed party, you may incorporate some edible flowers, among other things.

3. Choose the Best Music for the Night

The music you play will set the mood for the party. That is why you should have tracks based on the kind of party you want. Keep changing the music depending on the timing. At around midnight, choose something to get all the participants dancing.

4. Incorporate Some Games

Choose games that everyone can participate in. That is a great way to keep every guest energetic and excited. Games can also help the visitors mingle and have fun together. The best games should leave all individuals laughing and those that don’t need much explanation, such as a password.

5. Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Declarations Exciting

You can have popping bottles for guests to document their new year’s resolutions. Stick some white labels on all the champagne bottles and place them where guests can access them. The visitors can then use the white labels to write their resolutions. When the time comes, pour the champagne in the guests’ cups and let everyone toast to the new year’s resolutions.

6. Have Some Gifts for Your Guests to Take Home

Even though your guests may have cameras to take some photos, it would be a brilliant idea to gift them with physical photos that they can take home. Have an instant camera to document the events of the night and have photos to gift your visitors. That will also encourage the guests to enjoy the party and stay away from taking photos using their phones.

7. Give Party Favors to the Night’s Designated Drivers

Consider rewarding all the drivers who take your guests home safely after the party. You can gift them cards, candy, chocolate, and several others. That will indicate how a good host you are.

8. Decorate the Room

It would be best to choose the party’s decorations depending on its theme, and since the party is all about celebration, you should go for colors such as gold, white, black or silver. Select one main color, such as gold, and use it on half of the décor. Then use the other colors for the other half of the décor. There are several decorations you can find for the New Year’s Eve Party. Choose what you feel will make the party turn out as you desire.

The above are the eight best ways you can use to make your New Year’s Eve party memorable. You can incorporate any or all of them to keep your guests entertained and have them enjoy the moment.

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