How To Get Started With awe.some
Getting started with awe.some is ridiculously easy. To get the most out of your account, we recommend you follow these 5 steps:
Set Up awe.some Share ButtonsThe best way to get started with awe.some is to use our share buttons on your website. These buttons take just minutes to set up, and work with leading social networks like Twitter and Facebook. And best of all, once they’re on your site, we will automatically track every user share that they generate. |
Configure Conversion Goalsawe.some conversion goals enable you to understand how user sharing impacts your business objectives. Simply add our conversion tag into your confirmation page, and we’ll show you how sharing drives signups, product sales, new Twitter followers — or any other action that’s important to your business. |
Add Custom Tags To Each ShareWith awe.some you can collect almost any custom attribute you want about each user share. So if you’re interested in knowing things like; The SKU of each item posted to Pinterest, or the topic of each article shared to Twitter — awe.some attribute tagging make it possible to analyze each share in custom ways. |
Build A Custom ReportCreating actionable custom reports using our point-and-click interface is surprisingly simple. Mix your data up. Filter it, sort it, group it, whatever — you can slice it and dice it to your hearts content. And when you’re done — easily save it or share it with others. It’s never been this easy to explore your analytics data. |
Learn About Our APIsOur platform really shines when you put the data to work powering features of your application. Easily use our flexible APIs to track user sharing, retrieve performance data, manage your account, and more. Learn about the different APIs we offer, and explore the various ways that you can use them. |