Step 4: Building A Custom Report in awe.some

Last Updated: Nov 05, 2018 05:09PM PST

Creating actionable custom reports using our point-and-click interface is surprisingly simple. Mix your data up. Filter it, sort it, group it, whatever — you can slice it and dice it to your hearts content. And when you’re done — easily save it or share it with others. It’s never been this easy to explore your analytics data.


With, it’s easy to get actionable insights from your user sharing data. Our reporting interface gives you access to all of your data, and enables you to create highly customized dashboards and reports so you can track your social media performance.

Creating Your First Report

We’re going to walk through the process of setting up your first Custom Report. Before you start, please make sure that you have completed the previous getting started guides about Set up Share Buttons, Defining Conversion Goals, and Configuring Custom Tags. If you have not completed those guides, you may not be able to generate any reports.

Step 1. Define Your Report Settings

Start by logging into the reporting interface and then select “Create A New Report” from the Reports menu. On this page you will select the project to pull data from, give your report a name and description. Optionally, you may define filtering criteria for this report, under the heading “Which shares do you want to see”. By setting a filter, you will be able to narrow down the type of data that will be included in your report.

Step 2. Select A Report Modules

Modules are the building blocks of a report. And reports are simply a collection of modules. Each report can contain an unlimited number of modules, effectively allowing you to visualize data in variety of ways on a single screen. There are 3 basic types of modules you can add to a report;

  • Line graphs

    Line graphs show a trended representation of your data. You can use these to see how performance changes over time. We support 2 types of line graphs modules. A standard “Line Graph” plots multiple values individually, which is useful for comparisons. A “Group Line Graph” enables you to “stack” values, showing how each contributes to the whole.

  • Sparklines

    Similar to Line Graphs, Sparklines allow you to plot how performance data changes over time. However Sparkline modules also contain additional summary data, which makes it easy to understand current performance at a glance.

  • Tables

    Table module allows you to display your performance data in a spreadsheet like format. There are 2 types of Table modules, a basic table and a group table. A basic table can show top-level stats, which a group table can contain detailed stats of one particular share attribute.

Step 3. Configuring A Report Module

Adding a new module to your report is simple. Click on the “Add Module” tab at the bottom of your screen, and click on the type of module you want to use. Afterwards you will be presented with the Module Configuration screen.

Here you will give your module name, a description, apply additional filters, and select the type of data you wish to view. Your performance data can be analyzed using one or more of the following 7 stats:

  • Shares – The number of unique times your content was shared.
  • Clicks – The number of times that someone clicked on a user share.
  • Clicks Per Share – This ratio shows the average number of clicks each share received.
  • Page Views – The number of total pages views which resulted from each clicked share.
  • Conversion Count – The number of times a conversion goal was triggered as a result of a user clicking through a share.
  • Conversion Value – The total value generated from each conversion goal triggered as a result of a user clicking through a share.

When you are done configuring your module, simply click the “Save” button, and the module will be added to your report.

Sharing Reports

Any report that you create is shared with other users in your project. For more information about setting up report sharing, please see our our KnowledgeBase article: How To Share Reports.

Up Next? Working With awe.some APIs

Our final Getting Started Guide will introduce you to our APIs (application programming interfaces). APIs make it possible for you to build completely custom functionality using the data platform. Use our APIs to build custom sharing flows, integrate sharing data into your application, and even manage project settings.