How to Leverage Your Customer Reviews in Your Local SEO Plan

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Search engine optimization or SEO is about making it higher on search engines such as Google. When people see the website higher on the list, it’s easier for them to choose it over other choices. Local SEO focuses on specific areas and locations. It means that a local SEO aims to appear higher on search engines when people search for information in a particular location. The best SEO companies can help figure out the right approach to make it on top. It’s a tricky process, and changes happen all the time. 

Local SEO is crucial since people who are closer to the area have a higher chance of patronizing the brand. They know that the store is nearby, and they might decide to visit the place right away. Local SEO influences searches such as “best restaurant near me” or “top-rated pizza place at (town name).” Since dozens of other businesses offer the same products and services, it’s crucial to stand out. The best way of doing so is by using the right local SEO strategies, say with help from the best Las Vegas SEO companies. One of them is leveraging reviews. 

People read reviews before making the final decision

Most people rely on reviews before making the final choice. It’s true for online stores where people don’t have a chance to see or test the products before buying them. It also applies to new services that potential customers want to try. When people read positive reviews, there’s a greater chance for them to buy the products. If they’re negative, there’s also a strong chance that they won’t pursue the transaction. 

Set up the Google My Business (GMB) page

The first step is to set up a Google My Business (GMB) page. It’s a business directory that lists everything that people might need. From restaurants to hair salons, the GMB may contain those details. Registering is free, and it wouldn’t take time to set it up. 

GMB requires specific information that will help Google display business details. For instance, if the user searches for “best fitness gyms near me,” the search engine will display a box containing a few of the best options. It’s called the snack pack. The goal is to make it on that list.

Also, GMB allows people to leave Google reviews quickly. The page displays detailed information, including the ratings, review stars, photos, and snippets of previous reviews made. Everything that a potential customer needs to know will immediately be on display. It increases the possibility that they will buy the products or services. 

Google reviews may affect the ranking 

Positive reviews also have a positive impact on search engine rankings. When people leave good words, Google will view it to give the users only the best. The whole idea of using the search engine is to give people the information that matches what they’re looking for. If these positive reviews benefit the users, Google will recommend the company to them. Other factors may include the number of positive reviews made, the diversity of information provided, the frequency of receiving positive reviews, and the users’ accounts’ validity. 

How many reviews are necessary?

It might seem like several reviews are necessary to improve local search engine ranking. The truth is that the business only needs an average of seven reviews. There are enough for the business to gradually move up higher as long as the ratings are high, and the words are good enough. However, companies that aim to have a higher ranking should aim for more positive reviews. The good thing is that there’s always a place to start.

Responsible for reviews also helps

Apart from receiving positive reviews, Google also confirmed that businesses have to respond to them. These responses will affect the local search engine rankings. It’s crucial for business owners to have active engagement with the customers. It increases the trustworthiness of the business. Google’s algorithms will also view it that way. 

If these reviews were positive, the response should also be positive. Express gratitude to the customers for leaving reviews. If they were negative, there should be an effort to improve. Start by apologizing for the experience, and offer some ways to fix the problem. It’s important not only for the person who received a terrible experience but for other people who might read the reviews. They need to know that the business wouldn’t stop until things get better. Responding to reviews is useful in building trust with Google and the target audiences.

User-generated content is important

Google loves user-generated content. It’s fresh and offers relevant keywords. Therefore, the target is for the customers to leave positive reviews inside like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Trustpilot. While these third-party websites don’t directly impact the rankings, these reviews will still benefit overall SEO efforts.

Reduce bounce rate by working with the best SEO companies 

Perhaps, one of the most important benefits of receiving positive reviews is that people already on the website will most likely stay. If those who visited the website decided to leave, it shows a poor balance right. However, if the user has decided to stay and even purchased products or services, the bounce rate will increase. It means that receiving positive reviews will help convince people to stay and explore the website.

Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with leveraging reviews. It’s important for the SEO campaign. However, the bigger goal is to satisfy the customers. They need to feel that the company cares about them, and the reviews should appear organic. It also helps to work with the best Las Vegas SEO companies to produce more positive reviews. They also understand why people leave negative reviews and find a way to manage the company’s reputation. When reviews start to pour, it will make the company more reputable. Others will agree with what they read, and it makes the business reliable. Those who left positive reviews will also disprove what others said.

It’s important to remember, though, that leveraging reviews is only a way to do better in SEO campaigns. There are other means to keep getting more popular online. 

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