Branding Strategy with a Low Budget

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PR and brand marketing on a modest budget is hard to estimate. But the benefits should be obvious. Many beginning entrepreneurs are a little shaky when it comes to costing and sales promotions, as well. That’s because today entrepreneurs come from many different backgrounds and demographics. So creating a strategy for a new brand with a small budget means playing all the angles, as often and as prudently as possible.


The major mistake new entrepreneurs most often make when it comes to brand marketing is to look beyond the mark — to want something exotic and unheard of. Instead, the smart small business owner looks in their own backyard to find and develop local ways and means of brand marketing. Something as simple as cross referencing with another local business on each other’s landing sites. A quid pro quo arrangement with another local enterprise costs nothing, and can gain each business new customers.

Creating a distinctive brand logo is important, of course. But there’s no need to spend a fortune on its design. Visit any community college with an Art or Graphics Department and hire a student artist for a few dollars to design a striking logo. The student is glad for the professional exposure and the logo just may go viral — and all for just a few dollars.

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