One of the most powerful, and useful, features of awe.some is the ability to directly compare how different social channels perform at driving clicks, pageviews, and site conversions. Using this methodology, a brand can discover, for example, My posts to Social Network A bring in more traffic, but the customers who come from my posts to Social Network B, on average, spend more money, or When visitors share my content to Social Network A, they drive 30% more pageviews than shares to Social Network B. That’s the kind of actionable data that social media marketers can use to optimize campaigns, fine-tune their outbound content strategies, and make more money.
Cross-channel analysis has always been possible with awe.some, and we recently announced that new report views make it easier to understand how posts to a given piece of content perform on different social networks.
But starting today, awe.some makes it even easier to compare not just how different posts drive traffic and results to your site, but also how they perform within Facebook, too.
I Like big Facebook posts, and I cannot lie
Effective immediately, if you connect your Facebook pages to awe.some, you’ll automatically see new data appear throughout your reports. In your summary views, we’ll give you impressions and engagement — such as Likes and comments…
— for each post to your page. And if you drill into Share Details for a Facebook post, you’ll see a few new options:
A breakout of every Facebook engagement the post received.
Engagement over time. (Think the average Facebook post is only active for a day? Think again!)
Likes and comments in your event stream. Watch success happen, as it happens! (This is extremely addictive)
And this is just the beginning
We add additional functionality and performance to awe.some every day — second only to the corgi, that’s why we come to work every day… — so the fun is just beginning. Brace yourselves in the weeks and months ahead for a simpler view of multiple generations of sharing, additional report views, deeper engagement on more social networks, and more. Should be fun; buckle up.
If you’re not tracking the business outcomes of your social media marketing, you’re setting fire to money. Don’t set fire to money: talk to us, instead.