6 Common Misconceptions People Believe About Using CBD

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Health trends come and go, but the CBD craze shows no sign of abating. As the legalization of cannabis and hemp-based projects gained momentum on a state-by-state basis, the health benefits of plant-derived compounds also gained more attention. Cannabis produces several compounds, of which cannabidiol, or CBD, is one. CBD, under various tests, shows signs of fighting inflammation and alleviating stress-related conditions. However, some misconceptions about CBD persist and the truths associated with them.

Myth 1: CBD has no scientific-based health benefits.

While the FDA is slow to acknowledge CBD’s health benefits, there have indeed been tests and trials on its effects on various conditions. Under tests, CBD does show signs of combating various forms of inflammation.

Myth 2: CBD is a scam.

The wellness industry is no stranger to placebos and unverified vitamin products. However, while not every CBD application is effective for every condition, some are. When one takes quality CBD for a condition it positively affects, it is quite effective and performs as promised.

Myth 3: You won’t fail a drug test on CBD.

This is highly dependent on the type of product you consume. Drug tests look for another cannabis compound, THC, and some full-spectrum CBD products do contain trace amounts of this compound. While not enough to cause a “high,” there might be enough THC in your CBD product to register on a drug test. Hemp-derived CBD is less likely to cause issues with a drug test than cannabis-derived CBD.

Myth 4: CBD can get you high.

The compound in cannabis that causes the “high” is THC. The CBD compound, however, does not have this effect. Some people who overconsume CBD or take the wrong dosage might have other side effects, such as digestive upset or sleeplessness, but in general, CBD does not cause noticeable psychoactive or physical side effects.

Myth 5: CBD is derived from marijuana.

Hemp and cannabis (marijuana) are essentially the same plant, cannabis satvia. What differs between the two is the amount of THC a particular variety produces. Hemp has very little THC (less than 0.3%), the compound responsible for the “high” effect, but is rich in CBD. Conversely, cannabis tends to have higher amounts of THC and lower amounts of CBD. Because of this, hemp is the primary source for most commercial CBD products, though some do originate from cannabis. However, to legally sell as CBD, the product itself must contain less than 0.3% THC, regardless of the source of the CBD.

Myth 6: You need a prescription for CBD products.

Regardless of your state’s cannabis laws, you can legally purchase CBD products without a prescription because they don’t contain any psychoactive compounds. Some states require customers to be at least 18 years old, but this is often not the case.

As with all health supplements, it is important to do your research before deciding to try CBD for the first time. Be sure that your condition does indeed benefit from CBD and that you purchase CBD from a reputable retailer.

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