3 Major Benefits of Choosing Cremation Over Traditional Burial

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When someone passes, their loved ones need to deal with many logistical things. One decision that has to be made, if it hasn’t already been discussed, is whether to hold a traditional burial or have the body cremated. Cremation is becoming more popular for many reasons, three of which we’ll describe below.

1. It’s More Cost-Effective

People are sometimes surprised to learn that there are many costs associated with a loved one’s passing. It can be difficult to cover all of those costs, especially during such an emotional time. One of the positive aspects of cremation is that it can be much more affordable than a traditional burial. Financial concerns can definitely play a role in what a family decides to do. A cremation may cost one or two thousand dollars, with basic cremation services being even easier to afford. In comparison, a traditional burial handled by a funeral home could cost around three or four times as much. Cremations allow families to save money because they don’t require caskets, graves, or headstones. Cremation urns, given their size, are relatively affordable. Plus, families can choose how to honor their loved ones after cremation. The celebrations of life that they organize could potentially involve small gatherings in public outdoor spaces that don’t require any reservation fees.

2. It May Be More Environmentally Friendly

To cremate a body, it does take a lot of energy and resources. However, many people feel that it’s still the more eco-friendly option when compared with traditional burial. It doesn’t involve a wooden casket that won’t biodegrade, it doesn’t require any space in a cemetery, and it doesn’t use any harsh embalming fluids, which are not good for the environment. Further, the idea of cremation can make many people feel more at ease. Instead of remaining in a box after they pass, they can simply return to being part of the earth.

3. It’s a More Mobile Approach

These days, families and loved ones tend to be spread out as younger generations often move to new locations for work and older generations may move to new places to retire. If someone is cremated instead of buried in a cemetery, there’s a lot of flexibility in terms of what to do with the ashes. Sometimes, groups choose to split up the ashes in multiple urns and take those urns with them during their moves. In other cases, people may choose to spread ashes in the mountains, in rivers, or at sea, keeping in mind that multiple locations can be selected. When ashes are spread in nature, family and friends can feel connected to those who have passed by visiting those kinds of places. For example, if someone’s ashes were spread in the ocean in a particular spot, the entire ocean may serve as a memorial site in the minds of their friends and family. In contrast, people may have to travel long distances to visit family cemetery plots. When they’re not able to travel very often, gravesites may become neglected. Many people don’t like the idea of being left alone somewhere after their passing.

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