With Gen Z estimated to account for 30% of the workforce within the next seven years, organizations need to understand the complex world of Gen Z in the workforce and adapt their approaches to be more attractive. More than 30% of Gen Zers ages 16 to 19 are already working, but hiring managers are unable to properly engage and connect with such early-career employees. The hiring struggle can be attributed to the changes made to workplaces post COVID, needless friction between employees and employers even before the start of the job, and vastly different career assumptions between the company and Gen Z workers.
Growing turnover rates among Gen Z workers means companies are losing a lot of time and money while widening gaps in the workforce. But how can companies recruit and maintain their Gen Z workforce? Being very clear about expectations is a great start as this can create a center of control for Gen Z and help keep mental and emotional stability at work.
Companies can also practice more genuine transparency to take away worry for what the future has in store for Gen Z. Increasing workplace respect by offering work-life balance, showing employees that their work is valued, and promoting mental health initiatives can also attract the Gen Z workforce. Gen Z is attracted to organizations that are able to foster real workplace connections as well since COVID has interrupted both professional and personal growth. More than 50% of Gen Zers want information that is clear and concise, so companies that are able to send immediate communication after interviews and communicate with their employees at least twice per week will look attractive to this generation. Recruiting Gen Z involves a lot of responsibilities on the part of the employer, but the payoff can be worth it.
Source: Abode HR