7 Science Experiments to Teach in a Preschool Classroom

Preschool classes can help children develop many skills that will help them in the future, such as self-discipline and problem-solving. These science experiments are great for a preschool classroom because they are indoors, don’t require much time or preparation, and are educational.

These experiments teach kids about bodies of water, light refraction, Newton’s Laws of Motion, sound waves, and more. They watch the phenomenon occur right before their eyes and gain a new understanding of it.

1. Magic Water

This experiment helps children understand that water can change forms. It takes a few days to conduct, but it is fun for kids and educational. Children will be surprised when what is once a solid suddenly becomes a liquid and then, later on, a gas. They will learn how evaporation works and how evaporation occurs even when it’s cold outside. They will also learn about condensation.

2. Ice Tubs

Ice tubs are both fun and educational for preschoolers. They learn about ice and how it forms, how water freezes, the freezing process, and how hot water freezes. They also learn about frost patterns on the ground and snowflakes. It is a fun experiment for children in a preschool classroom. It takes a couple of days to conduct this experiment, but it is worth it in the end as they learn so much.

3. Exploding Water Balloon

Children love watching someone soaked with water, and this experiment will be no exception. Make sure you have an adult to help release the balloon since young children can easily injure themselves if they try to pop their balloon while experimenting. This experiment is indoors, so you don’t have to worry about rain or hot sun.

4. Magic Milk and Sponge

This fun experiment teaches preschoolers about surface tension, air pressure, and material density. Yet, it’s fun enough for them to want to watch it repeatedly. You put colored milk on top of a wet sponge, and the surface tension causes it to stay on top of the sponge.

When you drop a dry sponge on top of it, however, the colored milk runs through the cracks, which is why this activity children shouldn’t perform on carpet since it will stain. Children learn about how liquids form on top of surfaces when there’s an opening underneath them.

5. Exploding Pop Can

This experiment teaches children about the pressure inside a closed space. It also teaches them about Newton’s Laws of Motion. You will need an empty can and tape to do this experiment. Inflate a balloon and put it inside the can.

Tape the lid on securely and then push down on top of the balloon with your thumbs. When you let go, the balloon pops! This activity is fun to watch, but it also helps children learn about physics in a hands-on way that is easy to grasp.

6. Paper Bag Sailboats

This experiment teaches children about the power of wind, and they will love to watch their sailboats race around the classroom! Do this experiment on a windy day if you can get it to see the power of the wind. You will fill up a brown paper bag with air and let it sail downwind. Children make predictions about how fast it will go before they test it out.

7. Sound Waves in Water

This fun experiment should be done by itself, without other activities to distract preschoolers’ attention. It teaches preschoolers how sound travels through water and how water changes materials in ways that are not visible. Fill a small bowl with water and put on some music. The vibrations from the sound waves will travel from the bowl to the table and into the hands. The waves move through the water, just like they would if they were moving through air.

This is a great experiment in a preschool classroom because it helps children understand how sound travels in ways that are not visible. They will enjoy seeing how the vibrations move across their hands to touch different table surfaces. By conducting these science experiments, preschoolers learn about many different concepts while having fun at the same time.

These experiments are fun, educational, and easy to conduct indoors. They’re perfect for preschoolers and will certainly entertain them while they learn. These science experiments will help children advance in the subject at their elementary school and help them understand concepts taught there.