3 Signs that You Have an Infected Tooth

Have you noticed any of the following symptoms in your mouth? Tooth pain, redness, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, or pus coming from an infected tooth. If so then you may have an infected tooth.

1. Tooth Pain/ Sensitivity to Hot or Cold Foods

A tooth infection can happen when the pulp -which is the soft tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves- inside a tooth gets damaged or dies. Once this happens bacteria will start to grow inside the pulp, which causes it to become an abscess (a pocket of infection.) This creates pressure on the nerve endings in your teeth which leads to discomfort and pain. The good news is that with proper treatment within 2 weeks most patients can eradicate their tooth infections.

A possible solution for those suffering from tooth pain is over-the-counter medication like Tylenol (acetaminophen) Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin, or prescription pain medication such as opioids. Be sure to speak with your dentist before taking any medications.

2. Redness or Swelling in the Gums

The infected tooth creates redness due to inflammation of the surrounding gum tissue. This is caused by an immune response to protect our body from ‘foreign invaders’. The infection can be treated with antibiotics and often resolves itself after 10 days. However, if you notice that the condition worsens make sure to seek out professional advice immediately!

If you can not see a dentist then it is important to use warm salt water rinses several times a day. This will clean the area and reduce swelling as well as help with pain management. Make sure not to swallow any of the mixtures because it contains salt!

3. Pus Coming from an Affected Tooth

When bacteria spreads its way through the bloodstream, this causes pus -a thick yellow fluid- to build up between the gums and teeth (from where the tooth infection originated.) The pus will often create a bad taste and smell. If you notice this happening it is best to seek out help from your dentist because there might be an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or an immune disorder that causes the bacteria to spread quickly.

A local root canal procedure is the best solution for a tooth infection. A root canal can be compared to a ‘brain surgery’ because it requires anesthetics, a special kit containing lots of tools, and a high level of precision to work with. If you have been suffering from tooth pain or other symptoms mentioned previously then it is very likely that you need to see your dentist immediately. The longer the tooth infection stays untreated the more pain and money it will cost you in the long run!

If you have been experiencing any of the 3 conditions mentioned previously then it is likely that you have an infected tooth. The best solution for this issue would be to see your dentist as soon as possible so they can prescribe antibiotics and other medications necessary to help with pain management and stop the infection from spreading further. Also, make sure to follow up with your dentist because the infection might not be gone and you might need a root canal procedure to completely get rid of it.