What You Should Consider Before Getting Permanent Makeup

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Permanent makeup is a consideration that many women consider because of how convenient it can be. If you ask any woman, she’ll tell you that a large portion of her morning routine is spent on makeup. Wonder notes that a small sector of women spend over an hour on makeup, but the majority spent between five minutes and a half an hour on makeup on a morning. While it might not seem like a lot, even a mere fifteen minutes can take a chunk out of your morning schedule. That’s where permanent makeup comes in. Companies like Avant Permanent Cosmetics offer permanent makeup services that ensure that you won’t have to worry about spending unnecessary times putting on makeup in the morning. Before you get permanent makeup, however, you should keep in mind these vital considerations.

Go With a Reputable Provider

Permanent makeup can’t be adjusted afterward, so you should be familiar with the artist working on your makeup. Ideally, the artist you choose should have a minimum of five years of training. The longer your artist trains, the less likely they are to make mistakes in the application.

Use Antihistamine

Swelling is a natural side-effect of permanent makeup. If you don’t have the time or the need to spend a week with a swollen face, you might be best advised to take some antihistamine before the procedure. The antihistamines help to control the discomfort and swelling that the makeup procedure typically causes.

Some Procedures Can be Costly

Consultations claim to be free, but depending on which artist or provider you visit, you might be required to pay a fee. When you get your initial consult, you might need to do a spot-test to check if your skin is allergic to the products. The consult is free, but the spot check costs $60 typically. If you’re concerned about being overcharged, you might want to ask for a breakdown of fees in advance.

Read the Form Before you Sign It

This suggestion should be obvious. The form presented informs you that there is a chance of infection with each application. The form is likely to mention the risks associated with the procedure and the liability you’re giving up by signing it. The conditions may also note any hidden fees you agree to pay. Reading the form is a crucial part of undertaking the procedure.

Permanent is Actually Temporary

The term “permanent makeup” makes it seem as though it’ll last forever. The truth is that this makeup is temporary and is likely to come off with time. After the initial application, the scarring will start coming off in black chunks, and you’ll probably need to go in for a touch-up. Once you get the touch-up, the procedure is supposed to remains table for three years, more or less. Then you’ll have to do it again if you want to keep it going.

A Long-Term Commitment

Permanent makeup may only last for three years, but you can’t take it off during that time. If you want to change the makeup style or try something new, you will still have to revert to temporary products. It does bring with it a lot of benefits, such as having a faster morning routine. There isn’t as much flexibility as quick makeup, but it can be quite handy in a pinch. If you decide to take the plunge, keep these suggestions in mind before you go through with the procedure.

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