What are the advantages of seed banks?

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Several reasons result in the extinction of crops, causing immense trouble to a specified country’s population. The extinction of crops has taken place several times in certain parts of the world due to socio-economic conditions such as famines, war, and many other reasons. Combating such issues is very difficult, which is why seed banks have been introduced. Several seed banks are situated worldwide, which research seeds to develop innovative ways to grow crops from these seeds. 

These seed banks help nations when there is a loss of crops due to socio-economic conditions. Not just crops but also several plant seeds are stored in the seed banks for research and helping out nations who need them the most.

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There are several seed banks throughout the world that are helping to make a difference. The USA has the largest seed banks offering assistance to farmers and researchers worldwide. You can find your favorite seed banks from where you can purchase seeds of several kinds and start a plantation. Apart from crop seeds, you can also get seeds for cannabis and several plants.

Below are some of the advantages of having seed banks.

Preservation of Crops

One of the primary functions of seed banks is to preserve the crops from becoming extinct. Due to the change of climate conditions, crops are positively affected, which results in a loss of crops. Seed banks store the crops to support the preservation of crops at places where a specified crop is going to become difficult to grow. They support farmers by providing them with crops to help them bring stability to the specified crop that will be lost.

Protection of Natural Disaster:

Natural disasters are something that humans have no control over. There are many cases where a natural disaster has destroyed crops leaving the fields no longer suitable for growing crops. In such circumstances, seed banks worldwide have helped the farmers by offering them seeds to continue their work. In 2004, Malaysia was hit by a tsunami, which washed off all the rice paddies leaving the fields empty. During these challenging times, many countries came forward and helped Malaysian farmers by offering them seeds from seed banks to continue their cultivation.

Protect seeds from diseases

Seed banks store seeds to help farmers during socio-economic conditions, wars, and famines and do a lot of research and studies to help the seeds remain free from diseases. Seeds can be adversely affected due to disease as these diseases can affect the entire crops in the vicinity. To save the crops from such issues, seeds are kept in seed banks. Seeds need to be protected from diseases to offer humans the right nutritional options and an ever-lasting supply.

Research activities

Seeds stored in the seed banks can be provided to the scientists to research them. The scientists attempt to find out several ways through which they can increase the productivity of the seeds. Scientists study the crops and assist seed banks to have better and efficient seeds. Scientists worldwide are making seeds more productive and less affected by diseases that can offer excellent support to farmers.

Improve yield to feed the ever-growing population

Due to the rise in population, crops are getting lower in supply. It is becoming very hard to feed the ever-growing population as the cultivation of crops is limited. Seed banks help bridge the gap by improving the crops’ yield and making it more nutritious. Seed banks have offered various benefits in the cultivation and plantation of several crops and plants. Without seed banks, it would be tough to feed the ever-growing population. Scientists take these seeds from the seed banks and work on them by conducting research to increase yield. Their efforts have helped restore the seeds in the fields even during the most challenging situations such as famines, droughts, wars, and tsunamis.

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