12 reasons why you should have yourself tested for celiac disease

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Celiac disease affects 1 in every 100 people worldwide, causing severe gluten sensitivities in huge part of the population. It is easily treated with a gluten-free diet if it is diagnosed early at a beginning stage. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include: diarrhea, bloating, gas, fatigue, weight loss, iron-deficiency anemia, constipation, depression, and itchy rash. If you notice any of these symptoms and if they get more severe when you eat gluten-rich food, you may be suffering from this gluten-intolerance disease. Here are the most important reasons why you should get tested for celiac disease if you suspect you have it:

1.     There is no specific cause

There is no way to know if you have celiac disease unless you get tested for it. Some factors could increase the risk, but there is no specific cause for it. It is genetic, so if your parents or siblings have it, you may be affected as well. The presence of this disease may be influenced by foods that are high in gluten, but some people spend their lives eating foods high in gluten and they never experience any issues because of that.

2.     You may have it and not know it

Symptoms of celiac disease are different for everybody. Even though there are symptoms that are more common than the other, your body may react in a different way. Research shows that 97% of the people who have this condition are not aware they have it. Since this condition is genetic, your children might inherit it and if you don’t know you have it, chances are they will struggle with the same disease.

3.     It may cause serious stomach issues

This disease comes with different symptoms that can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. One of the most common symptoms are stomach issues or pain. You could experience nausea, bloating and diarrhea all at once, especially after eating high amounts of food that contains gluten. Some serious symptoms of celiac disease include anemia, painful skin rash, infertility, and low bone density. Because of these scary symptoms, you should get tested for celiac disease.

4.     It’s easier to treat if it’s caught in the early stages

CNN.com reports that when this disease is caught earlier on in life, symptoms can be easily managed by a gluten-free diet. If it’s left untreated it can and will cause additional issues to your body. It can cause damage to the small intestine and it can also cause heart diseases and vitamin deficiencies. In case your physician doesn’t mention this disease as an option at first, you can test yourself. There is no harm in doing that and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

5.     Mental health conditions are associated with celiac disease

While there are many physical symptoms of celiac disease, there are also mental disorders associated with the disease. One of the most common health conditions associated with this disease is depression. Rather than the risk of being medicated for a mental illness, a gluten-free diet, as suggested by the BBC, could be a way to feel better both physically and psychologically.

6.     You need to know how careful you should be

If you are gluten intolerant and you haven’t been tested for the disease, you can never be too careful. You may need to change your diet as soon as possible. If you notice some of the common symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor or buy a home testing kit.

7.     The Undiagnosed celiac disease can lead to additional serious health conditions

Type 1 diabetes, muscular sclerosis (MS), infertility and miscarriage, and intestinal cancers are just a few conditions that might develop as a result of untreated celiac disease. This is probably the most important reason why you should get tested for this condition. Do it before you start noticing symptoms of other diseases that might be a lot more dangerous and serious.

8.     The testing and screening are simple

Even though this is a serious and scary condition, the screening for it is pretty fast and easy. If you’ve been postponing it, or if you don’t have time to get tested, you can do it at home. With the Imaware™ home testing kit you will know the results of the screening within 5 minutes. The highly precise tests will tell you with 98% accuracy if you are positive for celiac disease. Read more about the test and how it’s done on Imaware™.

9.     Celiac disease is a lifelong condition

It can also affect other parts of your body and that can lead to complications and other serious illnesses. This can happen even if you are on a gluten-free diet. Because of this scary fact, you need to book an appointment, or buy a home testing kit so you can be sure if you have this disease or not.

10.  It’s genetic and your family members might be affected too

If you have this genetic autoimmune disease, there is a 1 in 10 percent chance that someone else in your family is affected by it, or they will be. If you have a family member that has already been diagnosed with celiac disease, you should get tested for it as soon as possible. Try and get your other family members to get a screening for it.

11.  It may be the reason for your infertility

Did you know that one in six women with infertility is suffering from celiac disease and she does not know it? If you have trouble conceiving and everything else seems fine, you should get tested to see if you are gluten intolerant. The sooner you know, the faster you can start the treatment.

12.  You cannot get tested if you are already gluten-free

If you remove gluten from your diet before being tested for celiac disease, your results will be invalid. Because of that, if you suspect you are gluten intolerant, don’t start a gluten-free diet before you get tested. It will affect the results and you will not be sure if you have this condition. Consult with your doctor if you notice any of the common symptoms.

If you test positive, some of the foods you should avoid are: gravies, beer, cakes, bread, pasta, pies, cookies, crackers and sauces. Even though this sounds tough and scary, you will find out there are some amazing gluten-free recipes and tasty foods! 

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