Every website holder dreams that they convert each visitor who logs into their website to a client. Unfortunately, that is not possible as some people may not require your product or service but still appreciate your interface. Some may even log in to get inspired by reading the reviews on your site or to check what you have to offer. Regardless of their reason to visit, you still need to find them and get to understand what they need and how you may fabricate your site to lure them to partnering with you. You need to do anything possible to track visitors to your website for better lead generation. Below are some of the ways to do so.
- Find Leads Using Web Apps
Google Analytics and Visual Visitor are perhaps the most diligent web applications that help businesses view the number of visitors on their site in a month or so. More visits give you a sense of the number of potential clients that exist in the market. But if the conversions do not match up, you need to do something to make sure you convert them. The feeds put your business into a more precise insight and can be set to reflect lead qualifications or the specific targets to reach.
- Gather Contact Information
For each website visit, the apps you use to find the leads try to source out the contacts from LinkedIn or any other channel possible. Others see the email address linked to the searcher using a marketing manager as well as the related social media profiles. They may not be precise, but they do give an estimate of the location as well. And as you collect info, consider starting with the smaller companies as you make your way to the bigger ones.
- Sort Out The Collected Contact Information
The criteria you chose will solely depend on your business set demographics. Such that if you provide computer software to university students, you will filter them starting with age, education level and so on and so forth. You may also broaden your scope to both male and female leads and increasing the age range. As some people already working may still be pursuing their degrees and masters and may still require your software.
- Further Your Sorting To Specifics
After you already have a list, you need to go even deeper into refining your leads. Here you need to narrow your filter to your ideal client, age, area of residence, and also the industry they study or work in. What this achieves is that you will get a clear list of the people who need your service, and those who will stick around the longest.
- Have A Structure
What this entails is the usage of tags and keywords that are the same across all your lead searching apps. Having a permanent structure will give you a definitive perspective and gives you insight into which app is doing best. Having some order will provide consistent results that can be compared and trusted. After this, you may approach your potential via email and close a deal.