There’s no doubt about it, 2019 is going to be the Year of Going Live on Social Media for savvy marketers. Real people in real time, with real brand information, bargains, and giveaways, is already sweeping all other forms of instant marketing away — why deal with a chatbot or slowpoke texting when you can engage with a live person in real time? It brings the product, the brand, the company, right into the consumer’s home or place of business (or coffee shop) and invites them to participate immediately. More and more social platforms are now adopting a live video feed as part of their basic service, and this is one trend that is no fad. It’s here to stay. The new opportunities available through live video are tremendous for any marketer willing to dedicate an hour or two each day to having their brand streaming live. No longer just a distant logo, live video is nothing less than cyber product placement — just what consumers have been waiting for!
You doubt it? Just try this little experiment. It’s an old radio advertising gambit. Post on your Facebook page that you will be going live in one hour with a phone number and a five dollar bill. The fifth caller wins the five dollar bill — no strings attached. Or make it the tenth caller — or the twentieth. Your phone will be inundated with calls, and the traffic this stunt generates will astound you. All for a bit of your time and five bucks.