You’re so awe.some and you don’t even know it.

While you’ve been digging yourself out of the snow again — and again — and again — awe.some’s continued to make it easier to power, measure, and optimize your social media marketing funnel. Since we launched awe.some for Marketers this summer, we’ve worked closely with our customers to make refinements, add features, and make marketers’ lives easier.

With enhancements added daily, and some more exciting ones coming up soon, now’s a good time to step back and check in on our high-level features. is as easy as three puzzle pieces, see

Fundamentally, awe.some works by powering trackable social sharing, bringing visibility to how this sharing contributes to your marketing funnel, and providing insights you can use to improve your efforts and maximize your ROI.

How? Glad you asked…

Make lots of links.

make lots of links

The backbone of awe.some is creating short, customized tracking links for activity you share across your social channels. For example, if you’re sharing a blog post to three social networks — Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, say… — awe.some will make three links, one for each channel. This is different from how a link shortener works, and it makes it possible to break out the clicks, pageviews, and business results that come from each network.

Our dead-simple link creator and site tools automate the process of creating new links and keeping track of where they go and how they’re used, to give you powerful visibility into what works.

Track conversions.

track conversions

Conversion tracking has been a staple of web analytics for as long as there’s been a web. awe.some brings closed-loop attribution to social media marketing, too.

Define custom conversion goals that match your business’s KPIs — sales, registrations, video views, app downloads … anything that matters to you — and track how much of each result from every social post. This makes it possible to track the ROI of social in dollars and cents, not just in Likes and Retweets.

Identify top performers.

It’s easy to use awe.some’s reporting tool to slice and dice on every dimension.

Want to compare how different shared content performs? See which pieces of content drive engagement and earn conversions, so you can optimize your content strategy.

Want to find people who amplify your message and share it with their followers? Track the shares created by each site visitor to see what they share, measure the impact they create, and connect with them directly to reward them or ignite their engagement.

Track virality.

track virality

Track social media marketing’s elusive rainbow unicorn: the source of “virality”. Your Tweet drives my Facebook share, which drives my boss’s Pin, which leads to a conversation on Disqus, and his friend’s purchase — so awe.some tracks multiple generations of sharing across multiple channels.

When you have visibility into how your posts perform, how content is re-shared throughout your community, and how that sharing contributes to your goals, then you can grab the unicorn by the horn.

Capture all of your visitors’ sharing.

track copying and pasting

When was the last time you clicked a share button? … No? Us neither. So awe.some doesn’t just track the sharing your visitors perform with your sharing buttons, we also capture what happens when a visitor grabs your page’s link out of their address bar.

It shouldn’t surprise you that social conversations unfold across IMs, emails, comments, and more — but it might surprise you to know that this kind of sharing happens almost ten times more frequently than anyone clicks a share button. If you’re not tracking this, you don’t understand what’s going on.

But wait — there’s more!

Don’t even get us started … well, okay, you already did. But if you’re interested in learning more, geeking out with analytics nerds, and checking things out, let’s get in touch