4 Impressive Benefits of Receiving a Facelift

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Aging brings knowledge and experience. It also brings sagging and wrinkled skin. While some people happily embrace these changes, many find them depressing and yearn to look younger once more. Happily, many cosmetic procedures are available that can transform your appearance into that of a younger person.

Facelifts are a proven way to counteract the effects of aging on both men and women. In recent years, doctors have used other methods to improve a person’s appearance, such as Botox and laser resurfacing. Despite these breakthroughs, nothing else offers the impressive benefit of a facelift. Consider just some of the benefits of receiving a facelift.

1- Lifts Sagging Cheeks

As you age, your skin starts to droop in numerous places, but none are more noticeable than your cheeks. Plump, youthful cheeks are replaced by flat features that are heading for your chinline. Your face loses fat and firmness as the years pass, and those losses make you look older.

A facelift will reposition your skin and fat, giving you the slightly rounded cheeks and taut skin of a younger person. The skin droops will be erased as well. You will never look 18 again, but you will regain a fresher look.

2- Removes Jowls

Sadly, aging often causes you to develop jowls reminiscent of an English bulldog or Winston Churchill. Many people find this development quite distressing, and no amount of face tape or other at-home measures can correct it. Whenever you look in the mirror, you see the unattractive look of sagging skin and fat.

A facelift will correct this problem by removing excess skin and lifting the rest. It will take years off your appearance in a way no other measure can. Plus, the term “jowly” will no longer describe you.

3- Tightens Neck

Facelifts go deep beneath the surface to tighten skin and muscle. That’s why they are so effective at eliminating the effects of aging on your skin. A facelift is an excellent way to address a “turkey” neck, a wrinkled neck with a “gobble” of fat hanging down. Women especially find their necks to be a problem as time passes, leading some to wear scarves and turtlenecks to disguise this feature.

A facelift can free you from worrying about your wrinkled neck by removing the loose skin and smoothing out the wrinkles. This procedure is an instant confidence booster and eliminates the need to disguise your neck.

4- Removes Nose/Mouth Folds

Facelifts also address those “marionette” lines that most people eventually develop. These lines deepen over the years and extend from the sides of the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. They may not be particularly noticeable until you reach forty or so, but eventually, they can dominate your face.

A facelift smooths the skin and muscle to remove those lines and make you look much younger. The results are much more drastic and long-lasting than creams or lesser procedures can achieve. And you will no longer look unhappy or stern all the time.

Facelifts are a time-proven way to mitigate the effects of aging. Your surgeon will tighten muscles and remove sagging skin to give you a fresh and more youthful look. For many men and women, a facelift renews their confidence and enjoyment in life.

If you are considering a facelift, consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. They will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery and tell you what procedures will work best for you. The results of a successful facelift are impressive and lasting. Contact a surgeon to find out more.

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