It’s Time to Replace Your Barbecue

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It is recommended that you replace your barbecue every five to seven years, depending on the level of maintenance and usage.

There are a number of reasons why you should replace your barbecue, especially if it has been in use for some time. For one thing, older barbecues can sometimes be dangerous due to rust and other maintenance issues. Newer models have improved designs that provide better safety and efficiency when cooking.

Additionally, new models may also offer features such as temperature control settings, lighting systems, built-in thermometers and more. All of these features will help you to get the most out of your barbecuing experience.

Finally, replacing your old barbecue allows you to enjoy all the advances in technology that come with modern grilling appliances. This means faster cook times, more efficient fuel consumption and lower overall costs in the long run. With all of these benefits, it’s easy to see why replacing your barbecue is often a smart move.

Environmental concerns can also be a factor when deciding whether or not to replace your barbecue. Older models may use more fuel and produce more smoke than newer models, both of which can negatively affect air quality. By upgrading to a new model with low-emission technologies, you’re helping to reduce the impact on the environment while still enjoying all of the same great barbecuing experiences. Replacing an old barbecue with a modern one is not only good for your family’s health and safety but also helps contribute to a healthier planet in the long run.

Properly maintaining a barbecue will ensure it lasts longer and can extend its life beyond the average replacement rate. Here are some steps for how to maintain a barbecue:

Clean frequently

After each use, make sure to clean the grates, plates, firebox and other components. Remove excess grease buildup from the burners and any parts that come in contact with food.


When maintaining your barbecue, it’s important to clean it often and keep all of its parts properly lubricated. Lubricate all moving parts with light cooking oil to ensure smooth operation and prevent rusting.

Inspect regularly

Check for signs of rust or corrosion on both the inside and outside components of the grill. This may indicate that it’s time to purchase a new one. Also, check for loose parts or worn out components like knobs, screws, and handles.

Protect from weather

Cover the grill when not in use to protect it from the elements. This will help avoid rusting or damage to other materials, extend its life and maintain its overall appearance.

Replace parts as needed

Replacing parts such as burners and grates could be necessary if they are showing signs of wear and tear or rusting due to age. If you’re using a gas grill, make sure to also replace the tank once it reaches 10 years old or has an expiration date on it- whichever comes first!

Following these steps regularly should help you maintain your barbecue in good condition so it lasts longer and performs better. If you find yourself needing frequent repairs, however, then it may be time to consider investing in a newer model. With regular care and maintenance, however, your BBQ should last for many years of use.  Knowing when it’s time to replace your barbecue can help ensure you get the most out of your outdoor cooking experience.

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