Water affects every aspect of our life from our health to our environment. Climate change is affecting our water, and our water is affecting our environment. The average American uses 82 gallons of water a day, meaning that over 300 billion gallons of water are used in the country every day! Conserving our water use is the first step to help stop the environmental; changes that are occurring due to our water loss.
Due to temperature changes, water loss is expected to rise to 41% by 2060. Salt deposits are compromising freshwater sea levels and are leading to rising sea levels. Uncertain rain and evaporation patterns means that 1 in 4 children will live in water stressed areas by 2040. Temperature changes are responsible for water sources to heat up as well making it easier for bacteria to grow. This bacteria can be responsible for transmission of waterborne illnesses which already affect over 7 million a year. Clearly, changes in climate and temperature are having strong impacts on our water and our lives.
To combat these changes, proper watershed management protects people, plants, and animals. Water loss is affecting some of our endangered species, so reducing at home water consumption has the chance to save the lives of some of these species like the whooping crane or the grizzly bear. So how can you start conserving your at home water use?Â
At home water filters are the best way to start conserving your at home water use. Water filters help to lessen the amount of water that is being wasted and also protects against most contaminants that can be found in drinking water. At home filters are also designed to remove 99.99% of bacteria and viruses so you can be sure that your water is always clean. Filtration systems can come in many sizes and designs, find the best fit for you and start making a difference by conserving your water use.