3 Simple Sewing Projects Everyone Should Know How to Do

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Do you want to save a little money and have something nice to wear? If so, learning how to sew is the best thing for you. For larger sewing projects and alterations, it’s best to stick with a sewing or alterations professional.

1) Zippers

The first step is to measure your zipper based on what project you will be using it for. For this blog post, let’s say we want a 12″ long zipper that has teeth around an inch apart from each other. We would divide our desired length (12″) by the width of the teeth (.75) = 16 zips needed. The next thing you need to do is take your ruler and mark off every half-inch, starting at where the teeth end. You should have space between all 32 lines because there are two rows of stitches above and below where they meet up with another tooth and then again in between each pair of individual teeth and along with the tape.

After you have your markings, take a needle, thread, and the zipper to begin sewing it along each line from one end of the tape to another. You will need an industrial-sized machine or hand-sewing experience for this task because it is very time-consuming otherwise. Once all 32 lines are sewn onto either side of your desired length, leave about two inches unsewn at both ends so that you can attach them easily with patches on either end, depending on what project they’re going for.

Once those pieces are done, cut off any excess strings sticking out after stitching, then iron down where the edge meets up to make sure there’s no loose fabric hanging around before closing everything else inside by zipping up.

2) Sewing on a Button

The first thing you need to do is take your fabric and fold it over so that the two pieces overlap each other, then iron them down carefully on both sides. Take either the machine or needle and thread, knot one end before stringing everything through from under where they meet up until all four holes have been sewn together, including where they meet with teeth at the top or bottom part of any buttons being used or an X if no buttons are attached. Once those steps have been completed, ensure no loose strings are hanging out anywhere by trimming anything off after making sure everything else has been neatly sewn together before using it on any clothing projects you might have.

3) Hemming

This task is straightforward and can be used to neaten up any raw or unfinished edges on clothing pieces, curtains, tablecloths, napkins, etc. The best thing about hemming, though, is that it can quickly be done by hand without a machine if need be.

For this particular project, you’ll want to take your fabric and fold it over twice so that the finished product will have a nice clean edge around rather than just one folded line like most people do when they’re first starting with hems. Iron everything down before taking your needle and thread (as well as) start stitching from one end to the other all the way around. Make sure to backstitch at both ends for extra strength and durability, then cut off any excess fabric or strings sticking out after hemming has been completed.

Hemming is a great finishing touch for any sewing project and can quickly be done by hand without much experience if need be. It’s always best to do this step last, though, so that everything else is already complete before trying to attach a nice neat edge onto whatever it is you’re working on.

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