How To Deliver A Memorable Business Presentation

If you want your career to flourish, you are going to need to hone your skill of public speaking. Having the ability to deliver a presentation that is memorable and makes an impact will greatly effect your ability to gain your peers respect and climb the corporate ladder.

Public speaking is communication in action. It is an audio and visual experience for the audience. Of course, the main means of conveying the message is by voice and it needs to be expressive to maintain the audience’s interest. But also required is good visual appeal of the speaker to give the message real meaning and context, and to keep the audience’s attention. No-one really enjoys a robotic type delivery where the speaker stays rooted to the spot with a deadpan expression.

Getting Started

When it is your time to speak, walk purposefully to the spot you are to speak from. Stand firmly on both feet slightly apart with your weight evenly distributed. Stand up straight and tall. Pause and take a few breaths. Smile naturally at the audience. These actions will convey confidence to the audience and they will be confident in your ability to deliver.


According to the website Motivational Speaker, the content of your speech is of prime importance and should be prepared properly. However, a good stage performance will enhances the speaking experience and helps the audience form a favorable opinion about the speaker and the speech.

It should also go without saying that what you choose to talk about is of vital importance since no one wants to be bored. As a sales and marketing expert, you may decide to share the latest insights you have learned about CRM’s or social media. Whatever your topic is, make sure you can educate your audience in a meaningful way.

Inspire & Motivate

“When speaking to an audience, it’s important to remember that they are listening to you because they want to inspired in some way” says Sean Adams of Motivation Ping. “They are giving you their time and because of this, they want a key takeaway that they feel will be valuable to them.”


A speaker should avoid anything about their dress that would draw undue attention away from their speech. Clothing should fit well and be of good quality. However, it does not have to be expensive. The speaker’s appearance should be neat and tidy, and be appropriate for the occasion.


The effective speaker is like a boxer ready to move as required not like a soldier at attention in the parade ground. For a gesture to be effective it should be both positively and confidently made. The whole body should work as one. Effective gestures correspond with the speech, e.g. if the speaker says “It was up there” they will point up not down.

Fidgeting or “doodling” – scratching your head, removing and replacing glasses etc – are to be avoided. These gestures distract the audience and can convey nervousness to them.

There is no cardinal rule on the way to make a gesture except they need to appear natural and be seen. But up and out is a useful way to think about gestures. They can be readily seen by the audience, and are usually more positive and dynamic.


An interesting speaker will move around as he speaks. Not constantly, but as it comes naturally to emphasize make a point. The movement should have meaning and purpose. Random wandering movement can convey you are nervous, bored or otherwise pre-occupied. And it will distract the audience.

The most important factor in good stage performance is to be interested and enthusiastic about your topic. Movement and gestures will come naturally as the speaker sincerely and earnestly delivers their speech.

A speaker who does not move or use gestures lacks visual appeal and the audience will lose interest, this is like a boxer with one arm tied behind this back. To begin with you may have to force yourself to move and gesture to say it with style. Encourage the action until the style becomes natural and expressive and you will become a more persuasive and effective speaker.

Eye Contact

The eyes are an important in conveying the speaker’s thoughts and feelings to the audience. While speaking the speaker should be looking at someone and be giving all parts of the audience about the same attention.

Many speakers avoid looking at the audience because of what they imagine they may see on the audience’s faces – boredom, disgust and the like. However, if you have difficulty doing this, it is worth forcing yourself to look at the audience. It is the best way to establish a connection with them. And you will soon realize that there is no reason not to.