10 Tips for Creating a Good Business Plan

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A business plan is usually not what entrepreneurs primarily take up when they decide to realize their idea. Often, they believe that such a document is needed only in order to have something to submit to the bank or to show potential investors to attract financing.

In fact, a business plan is a valuable guide for the entrepreneur himself. It allows you to evaluate the viability of an idea, identify risks, and see opportunities. The business plan should be a real working document that you regularly look at, and if necessary, make corrections.

Here are ten reasons to start implementing an idea with a business plan

1. Put emotions aside

Rarely, those who start a business can boast nerves of steel — under the influence of various events, and emotions can overshadow a clear view of the situation. Following a business plan, a specific document will help you maintain a sober approach to what is happening and make rational decisions, rather than acting in a fit of emotion.

A fit of emotion can include things such as giving away free things to those that give you positive ratings or overall show you some positivity. Although it seems like the right and just thing to do, be careful with how much you do it because people may start expecting it from you in the future.

For example, a very compelling story about this happening in South Africa when financial companies were first becoming a huge deal. A local who was quite successful in the trading sector decided to make a company that would help his rather poor community reach success through trading. Little did he know that running a legal Forex brokerage in South Africa was not full of giving stuff away for free. He promised to give his own money to help people start trading, unfortunately most of that money was either taken for granted or wasted on the markets.

So the next time you decide to give something away for free, make absolutely sure that you are doing it as either a one-time thing or have some kind of limit established.

2. A new role in life

An entrepreneur is a new, exciting, and not at all easy role that will continue to be part of your life. A business plan will allow you to understand better your new tasks and responsibilities, as well as prepare for future challenges.

3. Creating a concept

It is not always easy to formulate an idea and to present it logically. Questions that you will need to answer when drawing up your business plan will help you better understand the different aspects of your idea and come to a unified concept. To come up with a firm concept make sure you speak to someone who has had success in that niche. For example, if you want to run a tech support business, you need to speak to someone who is currently running one or has had success running one in the past. They will be able to clearly explain to you what a tech support business model should contain. This will help you come up with a concept that works right from the beginning. As you won’t need to go through the experimentation phase and waste time and money.

4. Arrange everything

What is your product? What services do you plan to provide? What are your prospects? Without a useful guide, which in this case becomes a business plan, it may be difficult for you to answer these seemingly simple questions. When making a plan, you will be forced to set goals, identify weaknesses, and describe in detail the principles of the enterprise.

5. A reminder of the most important

Every day, an entrepreneur needs to solve countless questions and learn new things – it is easy to drown in a sea of ​​information and begin to concentrate on details, and not on big goals. A look at the business plan will allow you to see the most important again.

6. Avoid fatal mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, even the most intelligent and successful. But without clear stops on the way to the goal, it is much easier not to notice fundamental errors in a timely manner. There is nothing worse than, after a few years of seemingly successful work, come to the conclusion that a mistake has crept into the very foundation and the future of your business is at stake.

7. Figures and information

A business plan is not only beautifully written text; it should have a place for real data and numbers, this will make it possible to predict the balance of the enterprise for several years to come. These numbers are vital in order to compare the task with the result and take decisive steps.

8. The decision when opinions differ

When a company is created together with one or more co-owners, the value of the business plan only increases. In case of disagreement, everyone will try to pull the blanket over themselves – and in this situation, you can find the answers or at least the right direction in your business plan.

9. The policy of the enterprise

Since you are most likely planning a long and prosperous life for your enterprise, the business plan also does not need to be taken as a short-term project. Any successful company has a plan for at least the next five years. A long-term business plan will help you both in creating a sound strategy and in implementing enterprise policies.

10. Evaluation of the results

It is easy to go astray if there are no road signs on it. In the everyday life of an enterprise, there are hundreds of situations in which a desire to act under the influence of an impulse may arise, since it seems better and more correct. A business plan will help you always see your destination and not get lost in the details. The goals set in it will also allow you to more effectively evaluate what has already been achieved – whether you managed to implement your plan or still something went wrong somewhere.


We can add even more tips that are essential for a successful business plan. In general, it should be noted that no matter the plan whether it is a business or not you need to come up with detailed and comprehensive ways to carefully design your scheme so that you can determine goals and objectives – what are you striving to achieve.

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