Creating Long Articles for Better SEO

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It’s not enough to understand the SEO (search engine optimization) tactics that are required to earn quality leads through your digital marketing strategies. If you’re writing quality articles for your business’ website, you’re on the right track to mapping out a way for buyers to find your company. In addition, you should be working with your marketing team to find the perfect keywords because search engines need to know what your articles are about in order to list those pages in the results that users will see. However, your team also needs to focus on the length of the content you are generating for your website. Keep reading as the top web design services explain more.

Content that’s short doesn’t provide the user with enough valuable information, so the search engines are less likely to rank those pages high in their search results. Additionally, writing short content with keywords is a difficult task. It’s hard to make sense of a topic in few words, especially when writers need to use unique keywords a certain number of times. Short content with too many keywords fails to hold up to SEO best practices because this type of content is guilty of keyword stuffing. To remain on the right side of search engines and attract quality leads to your company, your articles need to be the correct length. 

Finding the Right Length for Your Articles

Many traditional marketers have this same problem, but they aren’t worried about search engines; for instance, companies that market their business through magazine advertisements have to keep in mind that the reader will only read so much information at once. The idea was once promulgated that consumers have the attention span of a goldfish, meaning the consumer doesn’t want to read long pieces that your company writes. However, this mentality is counterproductive when you’re generating informative pieces for your company’s blog.

According to an article from SWEOR, “search engines (and people!) love long form content.” This article goes into detail about studies that assessed the length of top search results. Data from those studies indicated that the top 10 search results tend to be over 2,000 words in length. While it seems to be the case that long articles rank higher in search results, this criteria alone does not justify why these articles are ranking high. Longer articles simply have a better chance of meeting all the other criteria that search engines use to rank sites in their results.

Why Do Long Articles Rank Higher?

The mysteries of SEO come from the fact that many of the large search engines haven’t revealed how they rank websites in their search engine results page (SERP). However, there is some criteria that marketing professionals have figured out to help companies consistently rank high among their competitors. The most important part of every successful SEO marketing campaign is that the content created by the company must be of a higher caliber than content created by the company’s competitors. Search engines are designed to display results that the user will find appealing because the search engine designers want their product to be a useful tool that users cannot live without.

Long articles get recognized by other people online. If your company is creating quality articles that are short, it doesn’t even matter if the information contained within those pieces is a better quality than your competitors. Less wordcount means that there is less information being displayed. More information on your webpages means that there are more opportunities for someone else to cite your company’s page.

Why is it important to have the pages on your website be recognized by others? When people recognize a website for contributing certain information, they will link back to the source of the information. Getting more links to your content means that more people are able to click on your pages. It also shows the search engine that your company is an authoritative source.

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