Marketing Issues You Can Encounter With Freelancers

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Companies with marketing teams of all sizes at times need to outsource some of their work. This could be due to a lack of bandwidth with a client deadline quickly approaching. For various reasons it can be important to have reliable freelancers at the company’s disposal. Freelancers can be a great option for projects that need to be completed during holidays or other busy times during the business year. The following are issues that you can encounter with freelancers when sourcing work to them.

Deadlines Being Missed

Deadlines being missed can be a problem with freelancers and can arise for different reasons. Most freelancers want consistent work so they will get projects done on time. Those that do not should not be used for any pressing work in the future. Lack of communication of deadlines can be another issue as the person managing the freelancers should be as clear as possible when discussing anything related to deadlines. Setting up milestones during a project to make sure everything is on track can help mitigate these problems.

Unethical Publishing

Certain marketing companies are going to take part in unethical publishing where they have paid for publication without the reader being notified. This can lead to a penalty from Google or even a deindexing of a company website which many business owners consider getting the death penalty from the search engine. Take the time to look at publications and whether posts look paid or simply published to get a brand mention or company link incorporated. Ask freelancers about publications that you are interested in and their publishing processes as it could save you from a penalty.

Poor Communication

There can be a language barrier for freelancers that you are using so making sure communication is up to par could not be more important. Screensharing can be valuable as things like design issues with a project can easily be remedied versus sending out a complicated email to address this.

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